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Ultimate Man Cave

With the economy being so uncertain and retirement age looming, my dad and his wife suspect they may have to eventually sell the cabin they have up in Island Park, Idaho.

He has started bringing some of his items back to the house in Pocatello, Idaho from the cabin and has remodeled one end of the basement. My dad does some of the most beautiful work I have ever seen and his latest remodel is no exception to his gorgeous work.

We all collect something and over the years my dad has managed to collect some awesome vintage beer lights.

Every last bit of wood work was meticulously worked and put into place by my dad's loving hands.

As a hobby, my dad rebuilds old cars and we have all given him models as gifts over the years and he has quite a collection now. But his prize is the gas station model that is identical to the one he used to work at many years ago.


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